The first day we started to dissect the frog we opened its mouth. We saw that frogs have a lot of stuff in there mouth. The following day we opened until we can see most of it body parts. On the third day I was not at school so I am not sure what we did that day. I am pretty sure we dissected their body parts.
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An amphibian really doesn't have two lives. It lives in the water for the first part of their lives and then they grow lungs. That is why they call it double lives. People like to say that the amphibians have double lives.
Yes discoveries count as history because it happened in the past, which is called history. The reason why it should also be known as history is it happened in the world.
We are going to have coins go on the tissue while it is wet. In order to make it stronger you can use this to help you make it stronger. We will measure our results by adding more coins till we think it is enough.
The reason why there are fossils in Antarctica is because of plate tectonics, also because of Pangea. Pangea was when all the continents were all together. Plate tectonics was a big part of the the fossils in Antarctica.
Plant fossils can help us with the earths history. One way how is that if you investigate the plant fossil you could find out how long this plant was around. Like other fossils they are animals that are in fossils, not many that are plants.
The Grand Canyon is a place where there is a rock in the middle and then there is a river below it. There is a place that goes below the surface of the earth and it's very deep. Cross-cutting  comes in when the rock comes out of the middle of the earth surface. 
Before there was white and black moths. Now there is black moths only.The reason why is that the pollution changed the color of the trees. So, then the white moths were easier to see on the black trees. Before the black moths were going to be extinct because they landed on white trees which was easier to see. The white moths were the easiest to see on a black tree, so that's the reason why they became extinct.
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In this picture is a punnett square and this facts about how you have a chance of being something. The square that has a 75% chance of being cool. If one of the squares has a big R then a little r it means that it is going to be cool. It has to be able to be rr means that there are not going to be cool. If you have a RR it means that you are 

Now a days we have to kind of fight for our recourses. We are losing resources because there are more human than they are resources. So now we are having competition with other people in the world. Competition isn't like sports like you lost or something, but in the outside you have to fight to survive. Just like in the hunger games they had to fight to survive and the rest of the people became so what extinct.