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In this picture is a punnett square and this facts about how you have a chance of being something. The square that has a 75% chance of being cool. If one of the squares has a big R then a little r it means that it is going to be cool. It has to be able to be rr means that there are not going to be cool. If you have a RR it means that you are 

Now a days we have to kind of fight for our recourses. We are losing resources because there are more human than they are resources. So now we are having competition with other people in the world. Competition isn't like sports like you lost or something, but in the outside you have to fight to survive. Just like in the hunger games they had to fight to survive and the rest of the people became so what extinct.
In the show it will contain where it lives, what it eats, and what preys on my animal. My animal is a Garden Snail, so my snail lives in the garden. We did a poem for our play. We all had to have something enteraning. Other people did a rap or a song with a dance. Some of them were really funny. We learned about other animals that we didn't know what they do.
One thing I didn't understand was the punnet squares. One thing that made it difficult was that it was confusing. Another thing that made it difficult was I was absent on one day, and there was some instructions that I needed understand it more. What helped me was I went after school for some days and I got help from my teacher. I also completed the work I didn't finish.