My favorite station was the sealion cove. In there was like a little hut and there was a glass so we can see the sealions. I also got to see a human in the pool where the sealions where at. There was also an area where we got see how the sealions kept warm.
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My favorite moment was when I made really good friends. It was fun because I hardly knew anyone when I came to Computech. Now later in the year I made new friends with other people. I was glad when I made new friends. Another was when I beat a 8th grader in swim. I was so happy because he was the fastest swimmer last year, and I took the title from him. This was a great year!!
This year I'm reading a book called, "The Giver" so for it is really good. I have many other books that I like but this my favorite. I like it because the citizens are sorted by their age. Yes, they do have moms and dads in this book. When you turn 12 you would have a job and would go to school. Everyone gets a job, if your 12, at a ceremony. On this part it shows that you need to be responsible to keep up with your grades and your job.
It was important because it was when many people saw the world differently. It is important because if we didn't have Galileo argue about the sun was in the middle we would had said that the Earth is in the middle. He also talked about the experiment is known for. Her dropped a grape and an orange at the same time, and they both landed at the same time. Here, he found out more about gravity. The only way that people knew about the human body was by paying close attention. They would be in a big room. People would pay too see the human body live. 
I would meet Leonardo de Vinci was a really good painter. He made a really famous painting and is mostly known world wide. He is in a game with Michelangelo and 2 more famous people. The game was called Turtle Ninjas. I would meet Leonardo instead of Michelangelo. Here is a famous painting of Leonardo's.
The Middle ages wasn't that much of a good time to live. One reason why is that The Black Death had came in and killed many people. Another is that if you were with Europe you would have been killed by the French while they came over the bridge. After the Roman Empire fell and after Joan of Arc died, and many others had been The Middle Ages. Many bad things had happened in The Middle Ages.
The black death is a really bad disease. The black Death had swiped in and killed a lot of people.The only way that people got the Black Death was they touch someone else or the rat touched them. The rats had fleas on them. Even if they drank water you might also get sick, because the rats would get in the water.

The way it affected Europe was that their had died and many other citizens in Europe. People would transfer it to other people they were near to. It was a easy disease to catch, because there was many people in the city. Not many farmers got the disease, because they weren't near to other people.
I am 13 years old and my father wants me to marry another kingdoms daughter, so France wouldn't be gone forever. Anyway I don't like it because I haven't meet this girl at all. I will still be close to my father because the kingdoms are going to come together. I will say yes in order to keep my father happy after all he is my king. The reason why is that I will get to meet new people when we come together.
Why do I have to be a serf. I really don't like it and he just found me and got and said I was his serf. Being a serf is like being a slave because I'm his only serf, and I have to do what ever he says. In this position its really bad because you never want to be someones serf and the only one. It would be really horrible if I were him.

I'm on the line because if I don't do whatever he says he is going to take me to my place and then I'll be a wolf's head. So if I mess up he will take me right away to my ruler. In order to stay alive I need to do what ever this man says.
I am over at my farm pulling weeds and then I hear something like thunder. When I look up I see that the sky is clear and I look where the noise is coming from. When I do I see the Mongols are coming towards my house and my family. I know that they are going to kill us. So far they have the biggest Empire and now they are going to take ours. There is no way that we can fight them of.